Monday, June 15, 2009

Weekly Update 6/14/09

Don't worry Mike, this week's update will be much shorter.

Tuesday was the trip to the Tipp City Family Aquatic Center. (aka the pool.) It was lots of fun for everyone! They had a play thing in the middle of the big pool that was a lot like the one in Guam. He hates to have water on his head, but MiMi put him on the slide just past the water sprayer, I caught him and OSheila helped him walk back around to MiMi. He also floated around the pool in his new car float we bought him. There was another water slide that had a set up similar to what would be at a water park. The water just flowed down from the sides, so nothing to be on Jackson's head. It wasn't in a pool, just on the ground, and had a pad at the end for the kids to land on. The pad wasn't big enough though, and a lifeguard had to stand at the end with one of those foam lifesaver things to act as a bumper pad. With a little help up the steps, Jackson could go down by himself and get caught at the bottom. We could barely get him away from the slide. It was also difficult to explain that he needed to walk instead of run. In the same area there was a frog that squirted water out its mouth. But it would stop for a few seconds and then start again. When it stopped, Jackson looked in its mouth to see where the water went. Then got squirted in the face. Funny for everyone watching, but not so much for Jackson.

Thursday I had an appointment at Wright Patterson with an OB for baby Alex. Heartbeat was 158 which was good. They also took blood to do a quad marker screen to test for the potential to have some genetic problems. I expect it to come back normal and I'll find out at my next appointment what the results are. We also scheduled my next appointment (July 20th) and the ultrasound (July 24th) that will hopefully tell us the sex of the baby.

That was pretty much all the excitement for the week. There were meals, baths, naps, and bedtimes mixed in, but nothing exciting. Now we're packing since we leave for NC in the morning. Hopefully it'll be an uneventful trip!

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