Sunday, August 9, 2009


Jackson and I have official been initiated into the earthquake club. There was a small one tonight right after I put him to bed, about 8pm. My friend and neighbor Trysta and her husband David grew up in California. I called her and said, "Are we having an earthquake?!" And she said, "Umm... yeah, I just felt it." So I grabbed Jackson and we went over there. Of course by the time I hung up the phone it was over, but still, I felt safer being with people who knew what was going on. We felt it more than the people on lower floors since the building is on rollers and kind of sways, the higher up you are the more you sway. But I've gotta say, it felt a lot more like shaking than like swaying to me! I'm still a little freaked out, but really it's fine. It only lasted maybe 30 seconds. And, I found a website that said it's only a 2. The next one won't be as scary since I'll be more aware of what's going on... of course it might be stronger. Now, if only the typhoon would miss us.....

1 comment:

  1. When you told us you were moving to Japan we were sad but hoped it would be an adventure for you. That's not exactly what we had in mind!


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