Saturday, September 19, 2009

Weekly Update 9/20/09

I'm going to make a serious effort to shorten the blog this week. I got comments from multiple friends about it this week. They were things like, "Your blog is very detailed" or from Laura "That was quite long," (she's English). Anyways, this is my attempt at a succinct one. We'll see how it goes!

Monday night was my Enlisted Spouses Club meeting. I'm the treasurer but haven't gotten the stuff from the temporary treasurer (I was in the states when the last permanent one transferred out) so I haven't actually DONE anything yet. But the meetings are always fun and it's a few hours out of the house, so that's a plus. We had a bunch of new members and as usual it was a great time!

On Thursday (LOOK! I completely skipped Tuesday and Wednesday!) I had an OB appointment. Lots and lots of questions since I hadn't seen a doctor since I found out about the gestational diabetes. No earth-shattering information, though. That is, until the end of the appointment when she informs me I'll have to have weekly appointments from now until I have Alex. Ummm... that's like 12 weeks. YUCK! And she also said that later on they may have to do twice-weekly non-stress tests. DOUBLE YUCK! Luckily I found someone to trade babysitting with, so she's going to watch Jackson on Thursdays for me, and I'm going to watch her son (Xavier, 10 months) another day of the week.

This coming week is actually kinda busy especially with another baby party for Alex on Saturday to get ready for!

Jackson showing off his stacking skills for Daddy (on the webcam)

Refusing to get out of the bath despite the lack of water.


  1. Jenni~ so sorry to hear what you have been going through. Just wanted to let you know that I have been praying for you! Hugs!


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