Saturday, January 31, 2009

Fell down and went BOOM!

My day started like this: woke up with a snotty nose for the second day in a row. Had to take an early nap because I was cranky from not feeling well. Daddy left to go to the house and watch the movers load all the stuff they packed yesterday. BUT he had to leave at 11:30, so Mommy and I went to the commissary and then over to the house so WE could stay with the movers. Mommy had a hard time entertaining me. She thought we'd just be there for a little bit, but we ended up not being able to leave until 2:30. That's a long time for a little boy with no toys! So I entertained myself by exploring and following the movers around. They liked me and thought maybe I should be hired... too bad we're moving to another continent! They had taken the mattress and box spring off Mommy and Daddy's bed, so it was just the frame on the floor. Mommy had gone to get a tissue to wipe my nose (AGAIN!) and that's when I decided to take a tumble. I fell on the frame and got a gash on my eyebrow. It looks like I was in a fight. Mommy called Daddy and he said that I probably didn't need stitches. Then Mommy called my doctor just to make sure. They said to just use her best judgment and if it didn't need stitches to get some bandages over the counter. So that's what we did. We got some butterfly bandages and she put one on when we got back to TLF. I didn't enjoy that process at all!! I've been pretty cranky and it still HURTS, but I'm pretty sure I'll be okay. (Try to ignore the runny nose in the pictures. It's uncontrollable!)

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